Fish in a jar? Really, gefilte fish? You’re the laughing stock of the ethnic food world. Do you even come from the sea? I’ve never heard a fisherman boast of his catch by saying: “Gee, Sal, the gefiltes are really biting today.” The one who’s not biting? Me. Even fasting rarely leads to your consumption. You wonder why no one consumes you outside of Jewish holidays? Because when someone has to lather you up in horseradish to make you palatable, you've got issues. And that gelatinous afterbirth you’re packed in? “Jelled Broth?” I mean, seriously, haven’t the Jews been persecuted enough?
Wait until you're 70 my friend. Everyone over that age craves it. I'm gonna print this and show it to you when we're sitting in Shady Pines and you're cramming it in by the crate.
ReplyDeleteI can assure you that I'll never crave a ball of fish, my dear. But I'll be happy to help you gum yours down.