Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cop Out

Since when did intimidation leave police work? While attending Game 2 at Staples Center on Sunday, I couldn’t help but notice the presence of our great LAPD officers working Chick Hearn Lane -- on Segways. One question: When did our men in blue all become Paul Blart? I applaud them for being so green, I do, but is this the impression we want to make on Boston fans who've been liquored up since leaving the womb? This is the city that gave us The Departed -- and we give them Ponch and Baker-lite? How do you accidentally taser a Paul Pierce fan from an electric vehicle? Or subdue a Kendrick Perkins fan -- just for simply being one? Call me old fashioned, but if this series goes to a 6th or 7th game, nightsticks and motorcycles are called for. I’ll even take a cop on horseback leaving piles of stank in its wake -- should a Rasheed Wallace fan plummet into it. Now, let’s man up, protect and serve, and steal the last one in Boston. And please put the Tonka toys away.

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The Morning Roast by Gregg Rosenzweig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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