Isn’t smoking supposed to thin you up a bit? When I stumbled across this video of a two-year-old Sumatran, I was appalled by its contents. How is it that a toddler who reportedly throws down two packs a day -- still tips the scales at “too much?” He’s addicted to smoking, he's put the work in, yet still retains all that excess milk fat. It’s just not fair -- he’s earned a little weight loss. Not that his clueless parents ever take notice. This kid’s dad says, "He looks pretty healthy to me. I don't see the problem." Hasn’t he watched the video? His son has breasts. He might need a bra before he’s out of diapers. I know why this video is so viral: It totally debunks the cigarette-as-diet-method myth. Oh, by the way, can someone tell me why this kid's smoking?